Friday, October 26, 2012

Changes Changes Changes

So, to my loyal reader, I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted. I played with the idea of quitting the blog all together, but my strange need for the approval of others won out. I just like the world to know what I'm doing. I think I have a pretty interesting life, and maybe somewhere out there, people are interested.
I don't remember exactly where I left off with the blog (ya, I know I could load a new window and read my last post. Don't be such a smart ass), so I'll recap the last few months. After graduating from the LA Film School, I went on a 10 day trip to Israel, and had a blast. It wasn't life changing or anything, but it was fun and eye opening. I still don't believe in god, but it was good to see that part of the world. Especially after having seen parts of the Muslim region, to see the Jewish part was...educational.
Just before I started the trip, I got a call from my father, who told me to call his friend about a job at a visual effects company. I called and left a message saying that I was very excited for the opportunity, and I'd love to come in for an interview. That was all, then I went on my trip. When I got home, I found that I had got the job, and was going to start in three days. My parents took the liberty of changing my flight from New York to LA from Monday to Friday. Very smart, because I started work on Sunday.
Long story short, I now am employed full time by Stargate Studios in Pasadena CA. I am the Previzion operator. Previzion is a technology that attaches to a movie camera and records it's movement in a 3D space AND replaces green screen in real time. It's an incredibly powerful tool for directors and producers on set. The director and cinematographer can line up shots and see what the composed image will look like. We can also finish the shot in camera and give that to the producers, to put straight into the editor's sweet, then right onto television.
There are so few people that can operate this system, you could probably count them on your fingers and toes. So this really is ground breaking stuff. I can't believe how fortunate I am to have this job. A month out of film school, and I have a full time job that can take me all the way to the top. Incredible!
So no more stunts for me.

I need to be very careful what I put on this blog, I have signed several NDAs (Non Disclosure Agreements). I could get fired or sued if I say the wrong thing. So if I seem vague in the future, I'm sorry. I'll tell you what I can, when I can.

I'll be keeping the "stuntdan" title. I still love that.
Since I have a real job now, I have my VA disability money coming in, and I have my car paid off now. So I can afford to go out and have a good time. So I signed up with the USPSA, the United States Practical Shooting Association. I have two pistol competitions under my belt, I took 2nd and 1st place! Of course I was shooting against only three people. If I change classes, I can shoot against more people, but this is nice to not have pressure, I can continue to learn and get better. Which I will. I'll link some videos as I get some that make me look cool.

So like always, continue to stay sharp, and stay tuned.